Borderwalk - A Walk Across the World
What began as a 2 man, 3-year journey from the UK to Australia, on foot for charity, turned into a 1 man, 5-year solo walk. In an attempt to finish what he started, Arjun has had to contend with cruel winters, with temperatures as low as -45, inhospitable regions, jungles, deserts and even threats of being beheaded.
“This is a truly innovative fundraising challenge, and we are delighted to have the opportunity to support Borderwalk. A critical part of Sony’s ethos is supporting initiatives which benefit society and the environment, and Borderwalk is a good example of this.”
Clean Water Access
With the project inspired by the millions of people around the world that walk for water on a daily basis, the idea became about helping raise awareness and funds to help WaterAid provide clean water access and sanitation to communities around the world.
“This journey is not just impressive because of its sheer scale. It’s impressive too for its modesty – it’s quintessentially British stiff upper lip... The world needs more stories like this”
Over 25,000 km’s on foot
Arjun completed the charity walk to Cardiff, New South Wales, Australia, in May 2017, journeying through places such as Afghanistan, Myanmar and the Nullarbor. He was joined by friends and people he met along the way, people who wanted to experience his journey first-hand.
“I learnt that I’m capable of more than I thought”
Who Says You Can’t?
Arjun was asked to be part of EE’s brand new podcast, ‘Who Says you Can’t’. Hosted by Rick Edwards, Arjun discussed aspects of Borderwalk that changed his life and the way that he now thinks about the world.